On Wednesday, March 15, 2023, NAGE leaders gathered at the White House with President Biden's Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget, Nani Coloretti, and other Administration officials to discuss the President's budget proposal.
NAGE Federal Director Lee Blackmon and NAGE General Counsel Sarah Suszczyk were encouraged to see the President prioritize working families in his proposals. The budget proposal provides a blueprint for growing the economy, lowering costs for families, and protecting Medicare and Social Security while ensuring that those who make more than $400k per year and corporations pay their fair shares in taxes.
To protect and empower working people, NAGE joins its members in support of the President’s proposals to increase the budgets of the Department of Labor, the National Labor Relations Board, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and other agencies to make certain that existing laws requiring safe, non-discriminatory workplaces that pay fair wages and protect the right to union organizing and representation are followed by employers.
Additionally, President Biden seeks to ensure that American workers have a pathway to good jobs through training and apprenticeship programs.
Other important aspects of the President's budget include the climate crisis, energy costs, housing, crime reduction, and advancing equity for the American People. More details concerning the President’s Budget proposals may be found at: https://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget/