The Federal-Postal Coalition is comprised of 31 national organizations that collectively represent five million middle-class federal and postal workers and retirees.
Federal and postal employees take care of our veterans, guard our borders, thwart terrorism, maintain our military’s hardware, take criminals off our streets and keep them behind bars, support the country’s businesses, ensure the safety of our food and water, and deliver services and vital mail to every community in America.
For over three decades, the Federal-Postal Coalition has amplified both labor and management voices to ensure that America’s federal and postal workforce remains strong, effective and efficient.
Current Members
AFGE:American Federation of Gov't Employees AFSCME: American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees AFSA: American Foreign Service Association APWU: American Postal Workers' Union FAAMA: FAA Managers Association FMA: Federal Managers Association FEW: Federally Employed Women IAFF: International Association of Fire Fighters LIUNA: Laborers International Union of N.A. NAFV: Nat'l Assc. of Federal Veterinarians NAGE: Nat'l Assc. of Government Employees NATCA: Nat'l Air Traffic Controller Assc. NALC: National Association of Letter Carriers NAPS: Nat'l Association of Postal Supervisors |
NAPUS: National Association of Postmasters U.S. NARFE: Nat'l Active & Retired Federal Employees NCSSMA: Nat'l Council of Social Security Mgmt Associations NFFE: National Federation of Federal Employees NLPM: National League of Postmasters NPMHU: National Postal Mail Handlers Union NRLCA: National Rural Letter Carriers' Assc. NTEU: National Treasury Employees Union OPEDA: Organization of Professional Employees of the U.S. Dept of Agriculture POPA: Patent Office Professional Association PASS: Professional Aviation Safety Specialists PMA: Professional Managers Association SEA: Senior Executives Association |
Check out the April 8th story on the coalitions new campaign to attract Federal employees Here
Where trade unions are most firmly organized, there are the rights of the people most respected.
- Samuel Gompers
159 Burgin Parkway
Quincy, MA 02169
Main Phone: (617)376-0220
Main Fax: (617)984-5695
Quincy, MA 02169
Main Phone: (617)376-0220
Main Fax: (617)984-5695
Union Local Tax Issues
Federal law now requires that every local union file an annual information return—Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-N—with the IRS. If your local fails to file under this new requirement..
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